I shared with you 2 best articles generator tool ( free & paid ) both. With help of these unique article generators, you can get Instant Google AdSense approval. Free articles Creator software helps us to publish unique SEO content fastly. Now many people are asking How can I get AdSense approval fast? I told you everything about Google AdSense approval in my last video you can watch it in my previous YouTube videos. I told you about Google AdSense requirements, tips, and Issues. We need 10 to 15 visitors minimum traffic daily for AdSense approval. AdSense takes 24 hours to approve a YouTube channel and 10 days for a Website these days. Google AdSense changed approval policy in 2021 so many publishers are facing low-value content AdSense Rejection. I request all of you please follow these steps to get Website Approval. For info Subscribe to the channel and join my Facebook group, Thank You!!